Family Fun Day - Game #2, News, Envotek, Novice LL - Dodge Caravan, 2017-2018 (South Muskoka Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 23, 2018 | treading | 525 views
Family Fun Day - Game #2
Dodge Caravan Family Fun Day Tournament
Game 2 vs TNT Silver Tornadoes

The second game saw the Envotek team take on TNT Silver Tornados.  This was a closely matched contest, with the kids again coming out with a lot of energy and competitive desire.   The game saw lots of end to end action, and Envotek pouncing on rebounds throughout game as they relentlessly forechecked in the offensive zone.  The efforts paid off with a 3-2 victory, highlighted by the first goals of the season for both Aiden and Beckett, both goals the result of their determination getting to the net to bury rebounds.

Player of the game was Aiden, who not only scored a goal, but forechecked and backchecked ferociously, and broke up what would have been some sure breakaways by the opposition!  Amazing effort Aiden!